
The Perry General Fund has been set up to help off-set the expense of DNA testing for those individuals who could not otherwise afford to participate. Anyone can donate to the Perry General Fund. Any amount is accepted and every dollar helps when we all pitch-in.

Donate to the general fund: here.

Donations can be made through the website by credit card or Paypal or by mail (by cheque/check or credit card). Donations can be made in honour of a family member and any contributor may specify whether they would like their donation to be used for a specific project, or if they would prefer the contribution to be put in the general fund, to be used at the discretion of the administrators. When we use the general fund to subsidise a tester, this will only be done where they have supplied a detailed pedigree to be shared with the rest of the project.

Seven Perry Brothers

A Perry sub-project has been set up to document descendants of the ‘Seven Perry Brothers‘ of North Carolina. More information is available here.

We are soliciting donations of any size to defray the $239 cost of the test. Any additional monies collected will be available for similar projects. In this way, we can all benefit.

We are very grateful to the following people who have contributed funds to the Perry DNA project:

  • Whit Perry
  • Colonel B H Perry
  • Mildred Perry
  • Kathy H Chapman
  • William Perry
  • Linda Magellan
  • John Guy Perry
  • Emily Duke Perry
  • Bill Perry
  • Scott Perry
  • William B Perry Junior
  • Anthony R Perry
  • Rodd Perry
  • John Perry

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